Happy Faces Early Learning Centre Inc(HFELC)

  Mission Statement

Happy Faces Early Learning Centre (HFELC) is a non-profit charitable corporation that is committed to

encouraging and facilitating children’s development through play and exploration in all critical areas. The

primary goal is to provide a safe and nurturing environment that promotes children’s physical, mental and

social well-being and encourages the development of each child’s individuality.


We believe children learn best through play, interactions with others, and by exploring their environment.

We endeavour to provide children with opportunities to play and explore in a secure, loving, and

comfortable environment which will promote their emotional, physical, social, and intellectual growth.

We recognize each child as unique and are committed to fostering their individuality, self-esteem,

personal growth and problem-solving skills through play, exploration, and creative programming.

                  Structure and Programming

                                                  Happy Faces  Early Learning Centre is a licensed childcare program through the Ministry  of Education. Our program providing               service for children from 18 months  to 6 years old.  Centre operates from 7:30am to 5:30pm. Monday-Friday.

  Childcare Fees

The Parent Fee Reduction Grant  established to offset the reduced childcare fees for children  under 6 years old. The Ministry of Education provides Federal funding that reduces the amount of   the monthly  parents  portion.

Toddler (18 months-30 months)                       $217.50/per month(parent portion)

Preschooler (2  1/2 years-6 years old)         $217.50/per month(parent portion)

HFELC follows Saskatchewan’s Play and Exploration Learning Guide developed by the Ministry of

Education. This guide promotes high quality early learning and care for children and families based on

current early learning research and best practice. The vision set out in the Play and Exploration Guide is

that early learning programs in Saskatchewan are holistic, responsive, and developmentally appropriate,

focusing on the healthy development of the whole child – social, emotional, physical, intellectual, and

spiritual. Our aim is to promote high quality, age-appropriate, play-based learning experiences for the

children in our care. 

"Every child has a story to tell, and within that story is the secret to reaching her or him as a learner. 

Children's stories are windows into their uniqueness and clues on how to connect the child and the curriculum".